The Stars Themselves!

Somnis is (debatably) the main character of The Stars In The Sky. He's a Ruu, a humanoid species that occupies the Dream World. He is very calm and collective, but filled with affection for others. He is usually the straight man to the situations his friends get up to.

His two favorite people are his husband Maddox and his son Lewis! He always has them on set while filming the show!

Sunny is the jokester of the group, and is responsible for waking people up. He never takes anything seriously (unlike his more pretentious brother Crescendo). He drives everyone crazy sometimes due to the stark contrast between him and the rest of the Dream World.

Shruum is a very shy sweetheart who comes from the Fuungris Forest, home of the mushroom-like Fuungris. She was born without arms, which isn't unheard of when you take her species into context. She sometimes needs help or saving, but she can stand up for herself with ease.

CKPNM is Somnis's older brother who in Season 0 (the '79 series) was the main antagonist. He has mastered Nightmare Magic, something that many in the Dream World fear, despite it being just another subsection of Dream Magic. CKPNM is very quiet and tends to be in his own world a lt of the time. He's a daydreamer, and Somnis loves to talk to him about it.